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Ужасы передвижного зооп�арка "Фламинго"
Ужасы передвижного зоопарка "Фламинго"


Laboratory animals. When the right for living is not protected

There are still discussions in the world about whether experiments on animals are needed or alternatives can be developed and replace it. The world scientific community recognizes the need of animal experiments, but animal protection activists always appeal to the public to pay attention to the fact of the great suffering of these animals. Their well-being is arbitrary, and the life of a living being in such a conditions will end with killing by the decision of the experimenter. And consumers, in turn, need to be confident that they use a proven and safe product, a medicine, a method of treatment. It is difficult to find a compromise in this situation, when the question "whether to live or not to live for exact animal" depends on the person.

Recently media actively discussed the conflict situation that arose between the volunteers of "Fauna Goroda shelter" and BelMAPGE. The essence of the conflict was that the dogs, courted by volunteers, were transferred ...

Ban Mobile Zoos in Belarus!

It was a new in the social networks in November 2017 about the arrival in Minsk Tula mobile zoo "Flamingo", that also called "Zoomir" and "Venus". The situation, which was presented to visitors, could shock any normal person. Animals were sitting in small metal cages, where they could do only 1 step from one wall to another. The area of the camel's cage was 15 times less than the norms established by the law!

Then on the initiative of our organization - Center For The Ethical Attitude Towards Nature - journalists, scientists, officials from various ministries were invited to the zoo. Based on the results of the checks, the zoo was instructed to bring the conditions of animal welfare in compliance with the standards and pay fines within 3 months ...

“Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale” took place in Minsk in April 2018 for the first time

Charity event "Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale" was held in Minsk on April 21-22 and was organized by our organization and our activists.


As part of the action, a number of shops and cafes sold vegan baked desserts and part of the proceeds from the sale of this products were donated to the construction of a shelter for homeless and farm animals near Kobrin.


The “Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale” has been held in many countries between April 15th and 30th since 2009. Funds collected for the charitable action go to the development of the animal rights movement.

Belarusian brand “Candy Lady” has become a member of the international program “Fur Free Retailer”

Fur Free Retailer is a program of the International organization Fur Free Alliance, which was created to promote ethical brands and encourage consumers to make informed choice when shopping.

The Belarusian brand “Candy Lady”, whose creator is Olga Barabanshchikova - a well-known Belarusian sportswoman, singer, TV presenter, was the first in Belarus to join the Fur Free Retailer program on 15 of January 2018!

“Candy Lady’s” collections do not use animal fur, feathers, leather or anything related to the exploitation of animals!

Mobile dolphinarium from Russia came to Belarusian Mozyr!

The mobile dolphinarium “Atlantis” is located in a small area in the center of the city. During the construction of the structures, the animals huddled in tiny containers, which exactly like the size of their bodies, completely immobilized.

Similar conditions for mobile marine mammals that overcome tens of kilometers a day in the natural habitat are a real torture. It’s impossible to imagine how they feel when constant moving from city to city, especially in winter!

Being in such a uncomfortable conditions, in a permanent toxic and mutagenic environment such as water in these tanks, mammals can live only 3-4 years instead of an average 25 to 30 at will.

Belarusians at the 7th Austrian Animal Rights Congress in Vienna

In November 2017 representatives of the Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature made a presentation at the 7th Austrian Animal Rights Congress in Vienna in November 2017.

The organizer of this event in Vienna is the Austrian animal welfare organization VGT, led by the very famous person in Animal Advocacy Martin Balluch.

In the framework of this meeting, the representatives of Ecoetika got acquainted with people from different organizations from all over the world and learn about the experience of fighting for animal rights and liberation in their countries.

Prison for animals in the center of the capital of Belarus! We have to save the animals!

Zoo from the Russian Tula -  called Flamingo, recently settled in one of the districts of Minsk. Representatives of the Center for The Ethical Attitude towards Nature saw with their own eyes and captured in a photo and video in what terrible conditions animals are kept, how their elementary rights are violated.

In this zoo there are obvious violations in all areas: first of all the size of the cages in which the animals are kept is 4 times smaller than the sizes established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus!

Large wild animals such as lions, tigers, jaguars, ligers, hyenas are in cages where they can make only a few steps from the wall to the wall.

What do the residents of Minsk say about wearing fur?

At the end of September, the team of the Center for The Ethical Attitude Towards Nature conducted a sociological survey among the population of Minsk, in order to study the demand for fur products and also to find out whether people understand the true price of fur.

215 people took part in the survey, the results of which were very impressive.

The survey showed that 24% of respondents wear fur products, most of 76% of those who answered that they does not wear fur, said that they do not do this because it is extremely high price. And only 7.5% of those who do not wear fur  (and this is 5.7% of the total number of respondents), explained that they abandoned the fur products for ethical reasons.

Read more about the study of Ecoetika in our material.

Minsk residents expressed support for their neighbors on the planet 

1st animal protection action "Open your Heart" took place on October 4, 2017 in Minsk and was timed to the World Animal Protection Day. The purpose of the action is to draw public attention to the problem of protecting our neighbors on the Planet, used in all spheres of human activity in Belarus and throughout the world, to awake sympathy and compassion for animals in people.


The action was attended by those who sympathizes with animals, understands the necessity of helping animals, who convinces that animals are no worse than humans, believes that all fauna representatives have the right to live without pain and suffering, who helps the animals in their daily life.


It was important for organizers to show that now, unfortunately, throughout the world, animal rights are being violated in all spheres: intensive livestock, fur farming, biomedical researches and entertainment industry.

The construction of the E-40 navigable route can destroy the unique pearl of the Belarusian Polesye. Please, help stop it! 

E-40 is a project of a navigable route that can pass along the rivers in Poland, Belarus and Ukraine.

500 km of this route can pass through the territory of Belarus. Most of them are on Pripyat. On the river there will be 6 gateways, the river bed will be straightened, and the banks will be closed by oxen and dams. This will lead to the cessation of spring floods, due to which the Pripyat is formed.

E-40 will pass through the territory of the Polessky radiation reserve and also through archaeological excavations. In particular, through the city of Turov - one of the most ancient cities of Belarus. Any work in the floodplain of Pripyat can destroy already known or undiscovered historical monuments.

Let's save Polesye and Pripyat together!

The Red Book Lynx needs our protection


A lynx, included in the Red Book of Belarus, is a symbol of Special Forces. Military unit 3214 applied for the official permission to catch two lynxes from Nalibokskaya Pushcha to place them in the cage of the military unit. The public was worried about that situation. According to the preliminary information, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection did not give permission to catch lynxes. To make sure that big cats would not threatened, ECOETIKA.BY sent statements to all interested parties: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection, Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, and directly to military unit 3214. It should be remembered that every wild animal, either a wolf, a fox or a lynx, can comfortably feel himself only in natural habitat, to protect the natural animals habitats is a task of a man.


The scientific community is worried: the reserve "Nalibokskiy" is at risk to be turned into a hunting ground


Last week, on Facebook there was appeared the information with the reference to the article in the Belarusian forest newspaper, authored by M. Tolochko. This article titled "Vasily Gurkov: hunters are the avant-garde of belarusian ecologists" has caused astonishment in the society. How it is permissible for a specially protected natural territory (SPNT) to be supervised by a hunter with more than a dozen of killed animals on account?


ECOETIKA.BY dealt with the situation. We immediately decided to appeal to the Belarusian scientists for the explanation of the information. And for that we contacted the specialists of the Scientific and Practical Center (SPC) for Bioresources of National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Belarus. In response to our appeal by e-mail we received several comments on that article, authored by respected scientists


Worried about the environmental problem? Call for green phone!


In your yard trees are cutting down,  you have found an illegal rubbish dump, green areas are cluttered with cars, and high curbs do not allow to ride a bike?


Green phone hotline operators will help to solve these and other questions


Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.00 to 18.00 calling: (+375-29) 170-26-70 or sending the e-mail on you will be able to get their advice. 




Like a mother bear was saying goodbye to her cubs


As reports the incredibly touching moment has been caught on camera by the Inspector of the Centralsibirian Reservation, when a mother bear was saying goodbye to her cubs. She raised them, and it was a time for young animals  to start an independent life.


Mother bear  chose a place to carry out her mother's debt very wisely. She brought her two cubs on the bank of the Yenisei, said good-bye and swam to the other side of the river. As if she knew that at this age (about one year and a half) cubs are not  enough confident in their abilities to follow her. Thus, they will lose her smell - forever.


Two cubs  stood at the water's edge to the last


1st European Conference on Animal Rights was held in Warsaw


29-31 July 2016 the 1st European Conference on Animal Rights was held on the basis of University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. The Conference was organizered by the Polish farm animals protection organization Open Cages.


The conference was attended by social activists, sociologists, philosophers, psychologists, university teachers and researchers from more than 20 countries in Europe, America, the former Soviet Union. The conference featured more than 50 lectures, which were held simultaneously in 3 classrooms in both English and Polish.


The conference was mainly aimed at improving of the situation

28 trees were cut down for building a shop "Mila" in Minsk  


A few days ago, people living in the house №26a on the Malinina street  stopped employees of "Zelenstroyi", who had begun to cut trees and to prepare the place for building of a shop. Then the police arrived the place of conflict, and until the clarification of all the circumstances felling was suspended. However, June 14 “comrades” with saws still brought the matter to the end.


Local residents are outraged that for building of a shop near their house 28 trees have been cut down. Those trees were planted by own hands of people living in the house! In protest, the residents of Serebryanka  Microdistrict are refusing to participate in the election of deputies to the House of Representatives - says the radio Liberty.


Despite the facts that the residents for 2 days collected 800 signatures

Perpetrators of abuse of calves on the dairy farm "Podsobnoye" will be punished


22/04/2016 Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature sent a letter  to the Prosecutor of the Oktyabrsky district of Gomel region with a request to bring to justice those responsible for mass deaths of calves on dairy farm "Podsobnoye". The article on the informational portal was the basis for that letter.


In particular, the article says: "There's a half-meter of manure, сalves stand forelegs in the feeders, hind legs - in the manure, which is almost up to the windows. Food is not enough. Сalves are fed with rotten hay, so they choke, throttle, stronger calves trample those who are weaker ... " Photos of dead animals are attached to the article.



The Centre received a response from the Prosecutor  

April 17 Belarus joined the International Action "For Circus Without Animals"


World Circus Day is traditionally celebrated on 17 April.  This day one year ago a massive international campaign, aimed at a total ban of circuses with animals, has been launched.


In 2016, this campaign was supported by 107 Russian cities and 11 countries of the near abroad.


Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature sent official address to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus and to all circuses of the country (more than 10), including the Belarusian State Circus and Gomel State Circus. The letters contained the request to review the concept of circus performances to ban the use of animals in circus.


The text of the letter can be found here:

A new book on the protection of the rights of laboratory animals


Dear friends!


We present you a new book




In it you will find answers to the questions:


- Which universities of Belarus, Russia and the Ukraine have abandoned experiments on animals, and why?

- Is there a real right of students to humane education?

- What is Bioethics and Biological Law?

440 parrots can be burned alive in Mozyr


According to the State Border Committee of Belarus, on February 9 on the road Glushkevichi - Myloshevichi Mozyr border guards seized more than 440 parrots - finches, wavy, lovebirds, cockatiels, rozellas.


The driver did not have the documents on the "alive goods".


Perhaps the parrots were smuggled to Belarus contraband. This incident is being checked, birds are seized.


In 2008, a similar case had been ended

Belarusian universities are disclaiming experiments on animals! 


December 16-18, 2015, the Republican scientific-practical conference with international participation "Global Bioethics in a social dimension: education and enlightment of youth" has taken place in Minsk.


The event was organized by International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (ISEI BSU) in partnership with the Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs, as well as the Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature “Eс”.


The conference was attended by leading scientists, teachers and community leaders who came from different parts of Belarus to present 

The original project  Green Up was presented in Minsk


From the 9th of September to the 11th of November in Minsk in cooperation with the Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature "" and the Association "Green Network" the original training course "Green Up" was held.


That project was implemented, first of all, for those people who wanted to take a fresh look at the world, to unveil a curtain of the environmental movement, to imbue with the spirit of green and deed. The cycle of 10 sessions was designed for a wide audience, with no particular social, gender and professional binding.


Each Green up fellows meeting held 1 time per week

Petting zoo teaches love to animals or consumer relations? 


In summer the news spread around Minsk, that the first petting zoo called "Raccoon’s Country " had opened in the shopping center "Titan". The team of our Center could not ignore the emerging in the capital of such institution.


We must say that petting zoo is not a new phenomenon, similar commercial establishments, where they already exist, such as in Russia, have a very negative reputation.


So, in late summer, our team decided to visit

The campaign "Animals are not clothes" 2015 was carried out in Minsk 


On October 18 in the framework of international campaign for fur-bearing animals protection an informational and educational event "Animals are not clothes" took place in Minsk.

During the event a presentation devoted to animal use in fur industry was shown. The presenter spoke about its history, law and modern tendencies in fashion.

The second part of this important event was devoted to rewarding the winners and participants of the contest of creative works "Animals are not clothes". They got the prizes from the company Yves Rocher (France), diplomas, presents and gratitude from the Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature and editors of the magazine "Animal World".


People, who attended this event had a chance to taste

October 4 is World Animal Day


World Animal Day is celebrated worldwide on October 4. It was first established at the International Congress by supporters of Nature protection movementю, which took place in 1931 in Florence. It was aimed at attracting people's attention to the problems of other inhabitants of our planet.


This date was chosen because this day is known as a Memory Day of the catholic St. Francis of Assisi, who is considered to be the patron saint of animals.


Every year different public organisations of animal protection organise various public events on October 4 in many countries.


This year on October 4 the campaign 

The IVth  Forum of environmental organizations was held in Minsk


In Minsk on July 24-25 the fourth forum of environmental organizations was organized . This event is held every two years and appears to be the integration platform for the exchange of ideas, experience, capacity and networking, development of common positions and strategies for activities in the field of environmental policy, environmental law and environmental protection.


The forum was attended by representatives of different levels, ranging from international large organizations, ending with local environmental initiatives. Representatives of various educational institutions, local environmental organizations, the media, the independent participants could be seen on the event.


Environmental policy issues became the mainly mainstream 


In Minsk the children were told about 4 secrets of friendship with nature 


Summer - the best time to commune with nature. Сhildren can learn to interact harmoniously with it. Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature tried to organize this communication in an interesting form of a game Ecoethical Quest. The name of the event "4 secrets of friendship with nature", coined by the Centre - is not accidental. Because nature - is the living object next to us, who wants to see people as friends. From the point of view of the Centre's staff, to make friends with nature is possible, if you seek to gain knowledge about nature, learn to understand the nature and appreciate its true beauty and if you learn from nature itself. These are 4 secrets that need to be comprehended.


Pupils of the secondary school number 37 summer camp in Minsk were the first participants of Ecoethical Quest "4 secrets of  friendship with nature", with whom the event was held on June 17 in Victory Park.


Children, accompanied by volunteers

Do animals have rights?


April 23 on the basis of the Minsk International Johannes Rau Educational Center the debate on the topic "Do animals have rights?" was held. It was attended by two teams: the approve (the team of environmental gymnasium № 19) and the opposing (the team of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts).


The main argument of the approve team was the fact that animals are able to as well as people experience physical and psychological pain. And they can not defend themselves in situations where people treat them cruelly. According this, the society of the 21st century must take a decision on vesting the rights on all living beings: the right to life, liberty in their natural habitat, the right to be protected from the suffering caused by a man, etc.


The opposing team 

April 24 - World Day of Laboratory Animals


This date was first established in 1979 by the International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals (IAAPEA), and then supported by the UN.



Initially, only in some countries animal protection organizations celebrated  this day and today all over the world movement against vivisection (experimentation on laboratory animals) is actively developing  and is supported by activists of various social organizations.



For information on how you can save animals from cruel experiments


Belarus for the circus without cruelty!


April 18 in one Minsk café, a meeting dedicated to the protection of animals used in the circus was hold. At the meeting, film "The Circus: The Illusion of Love" as part of the discussion club "It's time to know about it" was shown.


Vegetarian club "Vega-Mara" and the Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature were the Initiators and organizers of the event.


From the film participants of discussion learned about the history of the circus, about inhumanity of circus animals training and about the worldwide movement for the abolition of animal exploitation in the cultural and entertainment events.


Discussion participants came to the conclusion that in the 21st century there is no place for primitive and inhumane shows. There are many other ways to entertain yourselves without exploitation of living beings.


Photos from the event 


April 17 - International Day for the Humane Circus!

April, 2015


April 17 - International Day of the Circus - post Soviet Union countries launch a campaign aimed at prevention of cruelty to animals used in a circus.


The campaign purpose: to achieve a complete ban on the use of animals in entertainment activities (circus, Dolphinarium, etc.).


Participants of the action: Russia (50 cities), Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia.


During the campaign pickets, rallies, marches will be held  and public screenings of the film "The Circus: the illusion of love"  will be organized. One of these shows will take place on April 18.00 at 13.30 in Minsk cafe "Beetlejuice", at the following address: Kalinin Str, 7.

Vegetarian shop is opened in Minsk

March, 2015


In Minsk the shop of vegetarian products has been recently opened. It is located on the Partizanski Avenue, 54.


The shop offers a variety of diabetic products, products from India and Nepal, the products of Japanese, Chinese and Arabic dishes. As well as a wide range of gluten-free and protein-free products - pasta, bread, rice noodles, mix for baking, sweets and more. And, of course, in the shop you can find products for vegans and raw foodists, spices from around the world and other products for a healthy diet.


Incidentally, the order can be made online:


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