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April 17 Belarus joined the International Action
"For Circus Without Animals"
World Circus Day is traditionally celebrated on 17 April. This day one year ago a massive international campaign, aimed at a total ban of circuses with animals, has been launched.
In 2016, this campaign was supported by 107 Russian cities and 11 countries of the near abroad.
Center for the ethical attitude towards nature Ecoetika.by sent official address to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus and to all circuses of the country (more than 10), including the Belarusian State Circus and Gomel State Circus. The letters contained the request to review the concept of circus performances to ban the use of animals in circus.
The text of the letter can be found here: (click on the picture)
Before the circus performance on 17 April in Minsk activists of movements "Ecological poshug" and "The Cost of Live" agitated at the main entrance of the Belarusian State Circus to boycott the show with animals. "Our method, - activists say, - a shock therapy. A man has seen - at least asks: “Who is this?", "Why are they staying here?” A circus visitor has come to us and absolutely sincerely said: "We have a time to celebrate but you disturb! What are you doing?" In their understanding we are crazy ones. But from hundreds of people who have passed today closely to our banners, may be at least someone will think."
Photos have been taken from the site: http://belsat.eu/ The author: Ludmila Loginovskaya