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Like a mother bear was saying goodbye to her cubs
As moya-planeta.ru reports the incredibly touching moment has been caught on camera by the Inspector of the Centralsibirian Reservation, when a mother bear was saying goodbye to her cubs. She raised them, and it was a time for young animals to start an independent life.
Mother bear chose a place to carry out her mother's debt very wisely. She brought her two cubs on the bank of the Yenisei, said good-bye and swam to the other side of the river. As if she knew that at this age (about one year and a half) cubs are not enough confident in their abilities to follow her. Thus, they will lose her smell - forever.
Two cubs stood at the water's edge to the last, watching as two mother's furry ears were fading away. They believed that the mother would return. And the next day, both cubs also came to the place of parting. But the mother did not come back. She knows now that her cubs should learn to survive themselves in this world and that she has done for them all she could.
In the Centralsibirian Reservation there are about 250 brown bears. These animals are not very fertile. Usually she-bear has offspring no more than two times in her life. When the cubs grow up to one and a half to two years, bear family breaks up.
Let's tell this story to your friends! Let as many people as possible know about it. Perhaps the facts described in the story will touch someone and surprise. And people will think over how many human actions towards animals are unfair and cruel. After all, animals - they are our neighbors on the planet who deserve our respect and admiration.
The author: Ecoetika.by