Центр этичного отношения к природе
Perpetrators of abuse of calves on the dairy farm "Podsobnoye"
will be punished
22/04/2016 Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature Ecoetika.by sent a letter to the Prosecutor of the Oktyabrsky district of Gomel region with a request to bring to justice those responsible for mass deaths of calves on dairy farm "Podsobnoye". The article on the informational portal Naviny.by was the basis for that letter.
In particular, the article says: "There's a half-meter of manure, сalves stand forelegs in the feeders, hind legs - in the manure, which is almost up to the windows. Food is not enough. Сalves are fed with rotten hay, so they choke, throttle, stronger calves trample those who are weaker ... " Photos of dead animals are attached to the article.
The Centre received a response from the Prosecutor of the Oktyabrsky district of Gomel region. In the text of response it is said that during the prosecutor's checking the violations of the requirements of the veterinary practice law have been found. Administrative and disciplinary penalties were imposed on the JSC “Octiabrsky-Agro” (to which the farm belongs) Director a.i., farm veterinary doctor and the foreman. The recommendations were made to the Chairman of the Oktyabrsky District Executive Committee and the Director a.i. about eliminating the breathes of the law.
The text of the response can be found here: (click on the picture)
The author: Ludmila Loginovskaya