Центр этичного отношения к природе
The original project Green Up was presented in Minsk
From the 9th of September to the 11th of November in Minsk in cooperation with the Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature "Ecoetika.by" and the Association "Green Network" the original training course "Green Up" was held.
That project was implemented, first of all, for those people who wanted to take a fresh look at the world, to unveil a curtain of the environmental movement, to imbue with the spirit of green and deed. The cycle of 10 sessions was designed for a wide audience, with no particular social, gender and professional binding.
Each Green up fellows meeting, held 1 time per week, was dedicated to a specific environmental theme. In general, trainers Maksim Rylkov and Ludmila Loginovskaya tried to make meetings interesting and informative for the participants. Classes were held in the form of discussions, role-plays, workshops and lectures.
One of the themes of the course was devoted to global environmental issues. That is quite logical, because it is impossible to fight for the salvation of the world if you do not realize what is happening with the world and from which the world should be saved. Practical modules of this session - spaceship ecosystem construction and research of historical ecological collapses of the ancient Mayan, Easter Island and the Vikings civilizations - were very interesting for the participants.
On the sessions about energy saving fellows expanded their knowledge in areas such as alternative energy, revealed the relationship between energy, environment and economy. Well, they carried home not only received baggage of practical skills and theoretical knowledge, but also homework: to audit energy saving, to develop a program to reduce their ransport carbon footprint.
On the sessions about green consumption participants found out what should be guided by when doing shopping, got acquainted with the main practical mechanism of purchasing - "vote money". Found out more about how to read the eco-label and how not to fall for the bait of modern marketing - "greenwashing".
Some sessions of the course included a review and discussion of environmental ethics, morals and values, and that made the special "flavor" of Green up project. A kind of "green spirituality" is the foundation and the first principle, which largely determines our motives, guides and inspires us to perform good works, protection of nature.
The experts' workshops were of special note. They seemed to be very interesting, clear and informative for the participants. First of all, the performance by Nadezjda Kuleshova, the specialist in Permaculture practice ecoactivist, of home vermicomposter creation for the processing of food waste. Julia Pesetskaya spoke as an expert in the world of natural cosmetics: friendly to nature creams, crystal deodorants, soap nuts, strange Basma, usma, henna.
Green up course contributed to positive changes in the personal sphere, aimed at becoming more wise, conscientious, creative and active. In addition, it was an excellent opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and like-minded people, become a member of a unique for our country eco community.
If we talk about what the problem was solved in the context of society, the course was designed to show the real ways of more harmonious, sustainable lifestyles of people. Reduce your ecological footprint, and hence the volume of consumption of resources and environmental pollution. Also, the training was aimed at raising ethical, respectful and valuable relation to any life, as an equal partner, with whom we share the planet. You can not save and keep what you really do not appreciate!
The author: Maxim Rylkov

Lisa, engineer-economist, 22 years old
Yesterday Internet was cut off at the very moment of writing! Review: I am very glad that I have underwent a course of "Green Up". I liked that many environmental problems as well as modern man's relationship to animals were elucidated in available and informative form. That gave food for reflection, moreover reflection very deep, starting from your own actions and to the development of the modern world. Active participants, their non-indifference and the confidence that the world can be changed for the better, strengthened the desire to join the green movement.

Eva, a hotel management specialist , 24 years old
Thank teachers - enthusiasts Maxim and Ludmila for a course of "Green Up"! It was a special time, which helped not only to get a new and systematize the old information, but also find like-minded people, to be charged with new ideas and energy! More such courses :)

Oksana, culturologist, 26 years old
Training course filled my life piggy ecological knowledge bank with ekooriented daily habits. Inspired by our meetings, I have taken the path of ecofriendly lifestyle, from which it will be difficult to roll. One of the most interesting lessons for me was a lesson dedicated to the topic of green consumption. Now, I will come more seriously and consciously to the choice of goods. I do not want to risk my health and put up with the damage caused to nature by large industrial companies and corporations, getting the bait of cunning marketers. I will try to make a choice in favor of eco-products that are friendly to nature and helpful to me and my family.

Anatoly, a sales manager, 27 years old
In fact, "Green Up" was my first training of that kind. For me it was a kind of revelation. The beginning, I think, of something more. I think the knowledge that I have received to date, have helped and will help me in something important. Hopefully, the acquaintanceship got during the course will lead to something new. Yes, that's right - a big, important, new. I am definitely grateful to all those who has made it and has participated in it.