Центр этичного отношения к природе
Frequently asked Questions
We publish answers to the most frequently asked questions relating to the activities of our organization and our principles.
Are you environmental or animal protection organization?
Our scope of activity - environmental ethics, which makes its subjects a man's relation to the world and understanding of a man role in this world. Our goal is to form in people a truly moral attitude towards the world and understanding that a man is not the crown of nature, but only part of it, in which the animals, plants and people are treated as equal subjects. Only through the formation of such consciousness it is possible to build a truly harmonious relationships with nature. This consciousness encourages each of us to act as in professional activity and in everyday life, not on the principle of "profitable-unprofitable" but on the principle of "good-bad", "good-evil". Good for nature - so good for a man, because a man is a part of nature.
Why do we need ethical and environmental enlightenment and education?
The main scope of our activities: enlightenment and education. We are deeply convinced that ecological ignorance and spiritual poorness of people are the causes of global and local environmental problems, of violence manifestations towards all living beings. Getting specific knowledge on ecology, environmental ethics and bioethics, a person begins to understand the deep connection between all living beings, to see how environment affects on living beings, what is good and bad for the nature, how we can help animals and how to harmonize our relationships with environment. Environmental ethics and bioethics teach us to think critically, form a global vision of the world with a truly humanistic values. And this, in turn, affects the practice of a man, stimulates him to the manifestation of compassion and respect in actions, as to loved ones and for all living beings, as well as to the entire planet as a whole.