Центр этичного отношения к природе
We present to your attention any scientists, educators, and social activists who contributed to the popularization of the idea of ethical attitude towards animals and nature in general. and realised these ideas in practice.

Mishatkina Tatsiana Victorovna
Professor of Philosophy, PhD, International Sakharov Environmental University. Member of the Committee on Bioethics in Belarus. T.V. Mishatkina is the first person who has begun to read lectures on environmental ethics in Belarus. She is the author and editor of the numerous literature on environmental ethics and bioethics.

Boreyko Vladimir Evgenievich
Director of the Kiev Ecological and Cultural Center. Honored environmentalist of the Ukraine. Active defender of flora and fauna. The author and editor of numerous publications on environmental ethics and environment protection. One of the authors of adopted in 2006 the Law of the Ukraine "About protection of animals from cruelty."