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We present to your attention any scientists, educators, and social activists who contributed to the popularization of the idea of ethical attitude towards animals and nature in general. and realised these ideas in practice. 

Mishatkina Tatsiana Victorovna


Professor of Philosophy, PhD,  International Sakharov Environmental University. Member of the Committee on Bioethics in Belarus. T.V. Mishatkina is the first person who has begun to read lectures on environmental ethics in Belarus. She is the author and editor of the numerous literature on environmental ethics and bioethics.


Boreyko Vladimir Evgenievich



Director of the Kiev Ecological and Cultural Center. Honored environmentalist of the Ukraine. Active defender of flora and fauna. The author and editor of numerous publications on environmental ethics and environment protection. One of the authors of adopted in 2006 the Law of the Ukraine "About protection of animals from cruelty."

Merkulova Inna Pavlovna



Associate Professor of Environmental Medicine Department in  the International Sakharov Environmental University, PhD. I.P.Merkulova is the author of articles on environmental and biomedical ethics. For the first time in the history of the University she implemented a humane alternatives to animal experiments in her Department.


Novozhilova Irina Yurievna



President of VITA Animal Rights Center (Moscow). Vegan, considers unacceptable exploitation of animals for the sake of obtaining their meat, fur and leather, violent entertainments (circus, zoo, dolphinarium, bullfights, hunt et al.), the use of animals in experiments; claim for a compassionate attitude toward companion animals.


Pushkevich Margarita Andreevna



Chairman of one of the first Belarusian public association of animal protection "Zoosvet" (Minsk). Member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists. The author of a project book "Animals with us",  written by schoolchildren, the chief editor of the charity newspape r"Friends of Animals".


Titova Elena  Tikhonovna



Chairman of Public Association of biologists for the Protection of Animals "Abaronim zhytstse." PhD, fellow of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Author of the book "I admire the works of Your hands." The editor of the  charity newspaper "Friends of Animals".


Kanunnikova Nina Pavlovna



Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences. Grodno State University. The initiator of the introduction of humane alternatives to animal experiments in her University. By this moment, thanks to the activity of Nina Pavlovna and cooperation with InterNICHE, all the demonstration experiments on animals have been eliminated  and replaced with humane alternatives.

Byshnev Igor Ivanovich

PhD in Biological Sciences. Belarusian filmmaker. Creator of more than 60 documentary films about wildlife and its protection. Author of a programm "Million questions about nature" on the TV channel "Mir". Winner of numerous awards at international film festivals and twice winner of the Special Prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus in the field of cinema and television.


Slyadneva Natalia Evgenievna

The founder and chief editor of magazines "World of Animals", "Ecology and I", "Metamorphosis", the main purpose of which is to form a population of ecological culture and responsible attitude towards the world. Winner of many awards and prizes not only in Belarus, but also abroad. In 2014, Natalia Evgenievna is awarded the diploma "Best Publisher of the Year" (Berlin). A member of the public association "Belarusian Union of Journalists" and the European Congress of Writers.


Zubova Natalia Michailovna



She graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University and the Academy of Public Administration Under the Aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus. Chairman of the Vitebsk charitable public association "Friends of Animals". Has achieved from the state authorities the organization in Vitebsk the animal shelter  (the only one in Belarus), where she works as supervisor. For 4 years of work under the direction of Natalia more than 4,000 homeless cats and dogs have been saved, sterilized and have found their hosts.


Nick Jukes

Co-ordinator of International Network for Humane Education (InterNICHE), the UK. He co-produced the award-winning film Alternatives in Education (1999) and managed and co-authored the book from Guinea Pig to Computer Mouse (2003). Nick Jukes popularizes the ideas of experimental animals replacement to humane alternatives in education. Through his activities, dozens of universities around the world abandoned animal experiments and replaced them with humane alternatives.


Marueva Elena Andreevna



Director of VITA Animal Rights Center (Moscow). Vegan. Veterinarian. Master of Life Sciences. The official representative of the international Network for Humane Education InterNICHE in Russia. Thanks to her enlightening work, many Russian universities refused to conduct experiments on animals and replaced them with humane alternatives.


Kalinina Natalia Vladimirovna
Olenichev Maxim Vladimirovich



Associate Professor of Journalism, Ph.D.,  Amur State University. Chairman of the Amur Ecoclub "Ulukitkan." Since 2003, teaches courses "Environmental Ethics" in the Amur region universities. In 2006, initiated a campaign against cruelty to animals in the educational process of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science DalGAU. In 2009, she was the first in Russia who managed to introduce into the curriculum of the university (Department of Journalism ASU) discipline "Environmental Ethics in the media."


Co-chairman of Karelian Republic Animals Protection Society. Lawyer. An active participant in the campaign to protect the wolves, which resulted by ban of wolves distruction (1998). In 2008, initiated the adoption of a regional law on administrative responsibility for cruelty to animals. Head of the public education program on animal rights in Karelia (2000-2012). He is convinced that the animals - our partners on the Earth and it is necessary to build a relationship with them as with the subjects of life.


Pavlova Tatsiana Nickolaevna


(1931 - 2007)

The founder of the Russian animal rights movement. Creator of the first in the Soviet Union Vegetarian Society. Head of Centre for Ethical Attitude Towards Animals. Author of the first Russian-language books on bioethics "Bioethics in higher education", "Bioethics in school."


Morozkina Tatsiana Sergeevna


(1940 - 2015)

Professor of Biochemistry, Doctor of Biology, Belarusian State Medical University. Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus. In 1998, for the first time on the Post Soviet Union territory she implemented humane alternatives to animal experiments in teaching at her university. Promoted the idea of humane attitude towards animals.


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