Центр этичного отношения к природе
Dear friends!
On 1 November in Belarus, for the second consecutive year, the campaign "We talk about sterilization!" starts being organized by Center for the Ethical Attitude Towards Nature.
The purpose of the campaign: to inform the owners about the importance of pet sterilization, which is the main humane way of solving the problem of homeless animals.
The meaning of the campaign is self-distributing of information leaflets by the following ways:
1) putting them in the mailboxes of the houses;
2) sticking on the information boards, in veterinary clinics, housing and maintenance departments (after prior agreement with them), etc.
Join this animal protection campaign here:
group VKontakte: https://vk.com/rasskazhi_o_sterilizazii
or by E-mail: lipkoloda@yandex.ru (Olga), center@ecoetika.by (Ludmila).
The organizers will provide with pleasure to all interested people the layouts of leaflets, and if necessary - will assist in leaflets printing.
According to the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) the earth is inhabited by 25 million homeless cats and dogs. Every year, 9 million of them are killed, mostly by the violent methods.
Ideally, every puppy and kitten should have home and the owner. But this does not always happen. The number of dogs and cats is much greater than the number of people wanting to get a four-legged friend. At the same time many owners specially mate animals, saying it is good for animals health, the letter with untroubled conscience is drowned in a bucket or flushed down the toilet. They believe that not to give to your pet to meet the basic instinct - it is inhumane, but to kill babies - it is humane, because they are still very little. Just let them ask themselves: to kill a newborn child - is it humane?
The sexual instinct of animals causes a lot of other troubles. Twice a year a female is in heat, which lasts about a month, during this time the dog must be kept in isolation. During this period she is like a magnet attracts dog males. Whenever you take her out for a walk, a huge flock of four-legged dog males will follow her. With dog males even worse: owners have to watch for them all the time, because if there is a female in heat nearby, they run away. And nothing will stop them, nor filled highways or railroad tracks, or even barbed wire. There are cases when a dog ran out of the house by breaking the glass windows. A cat female has offsprings four times a year.
The sterilized cat or dog will not join the ranks of homeless animals on the street. They will not run away from home, fall under the car and bring the miserable litter, whose fate - to die from the hands of animals slayers.
Sterilized animals do not lose their guard and hunting functions. In my house in the countryside cats regularly caught mice, laying them on the porch in the morning and the dogs so keenly guard the yard, that we can not lock it.
There are investigations showing that these animals are much less likely to suffer from cancer, females get rid of the phenomenon of false pregnancy forever, and males become less aggressive. After surgery the animals quickly rehabilitate. Your pet does not pick up weight, if he/she is properly fed and given enough exercise. It is not the interference in nature but the help for her.
Cats and dogs are very fertile: two cats with their offsprings during 7 years can bring up to 420,000 kittens, two dogs - 67 000. Sterilization - the most effective way to prevent the occurrence of homeless animals. If 75% of the animals in the country are sterilized, homeless animals will appear in a few cases. Bonn, Germany is the example. Here homeless animals are almost absent.
Margarita Pushkevich,
The Chairman of Public Association
of Animal Protection "Zoosvet", Minsk
VK Group of the campaign: https://vk.com/rasskazhi_o_sterilizazii